
15Sep - by Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad - 24 - In

If you have feedback, comments and suggestions about this website then you can send it to the editor at

If you are familiar with any resource that has not been covered on this website then please feel free to e-mail me and I will add it to the website with due credit of course.

Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad
Editor, Islam and Science Fiction

24 thoughts on “Contact”

  1. Salaam

    To whom it may concern.

    I am looking for all ways to promote my Islamic superman novels “The Planetary Patriot” in my last book I fight international Zionism and the IDF head on. Hope you can help.

    Allahu akbar!

  2. Dear Muhammad,

    Asalam Alikom,
    I would like to compliment you on your wonderful website. Absolutely fascinating. Keep up the good work .

    My name is Mosab. I am a PhD student at the Unviersity of North Dakota. My focus is postcolonial utopian science fiction. I have found your website extremely helpful in building up my bibliography and I thought of letting you know of how appreciative I am of this.

    I would also love to meet you sometime when I visit Minniapolis sometime in the near future.

    Wasalam Alikom
    yours faithfully,

  3. Good evening Mr. Muhammad Ahmad,

    My name is Sameena Mughal, and I have recently written short stories that are a homage to the Arabian Nights. However, the difference is they have strong female characters as the main protagonists and have a modern, feminist twist.

    I am an unpublished writer, and this is my first major work. Could you give me suggestions on how to market my work and get it published? Or perhaps it has a place in your anthology?

    Any advice you have for me would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for your time,

    Sameena Mughal

  4. Muhammad,

    I’ve been enjoying your site and really appreciate the look into a different world that you are providing here.

    I wanted to let you know that this Sunday (6/23), I’ll be linking to a couple of your posts (maybe more by then) in Amazing Stories’ Amazing News feature

  5. Assalam o Alaikum

    It was great to find such an interesting and informative site created by you.
    I have plans to work on a project, “Muslim Characters in English Fiction”, and I am sure, your reviews will also be of immense help.


  6. This is great! Is there a way to subscribe to this site so I can receive email alerts when new things are posted?


  7. I attended last night at the Dana Centre ,attached to the Science Museum here in London, a (rare) item on Arab/Islamic SF-something about which I know very little. Your website was mentioned by one of the panellists : Lebanese background SF author Amal El-Mohtar.The other panellists were : well-known UK news TV journalist Samira Ahmad , who loves the original –Charlton Heston– Planet Of The Apes film!, writer Ziauddin Sarder and artist Khyle Alexander Raja. A lively and very informative session occurred. I mentioned that as far as I knew there is in the M-East, only 1 known SF Convention -“Q8 Cosplayers” in Kuwait. And as per its Facebook page, it has now been postponed. So should any web-readers here miss their SF fix -and that incl anime, cosplay, manga, comics, film, TV, LARPS, RPGs and of course books, there are many SF Cons listed elsewhere on the web. They would probably love an Arabic/Islamic input and such would enhance the sparse knowledge we non-Arabs (I’m Irish) have of same. Using “google”, look up “Ansible”, “Wilf James+ Conventions”, “League Of The Non Aligned” and “Locuslonline”. The last mentioned lists mostly US-based Cons-the US dominating the SF genre. Also in Western Europe in Aug 2014, there follow one week after the other, the London-based World SF Con -Worldcon, which is usually only held in the US ( and then the European SF Con ( in Dublin. Future Eurocons are : 2015-St Petersburg, Russia; 2016-Antwerp, Belgium; 2017-Dortmund, Germany. Future Worldcons are : 2015-Spokane, USA; 2016-Kansas City, USA; 2017-Japan or Montreal, Canada; 2018-New Orleans; 2019-Dublin, Ireland; 2020-New Zealand. Those listed on or after 2016 are not yet confirmed. –very best wishes Dave Lally -Chair 2006-2013 and now immed past Chair: ESFS-The European SF Society -home of the Eurocons since 1972 (

  8. As Salaamu Alaikum. My name is Fatimah A. M. Ibrahim and I am the author of the Interfaith Sci-Fi Novel, “The Azurean Trilogy”, where some of the main characters are Muslim. The book is for sale right now on (Paperback and Kindle), and is getting wonderful feedback from those of all faiths. I also happen to be an artist, and am considering making a graphic novel version of my book. InshaAllah, I will send you a review copy to the address above. My email is
    The link to buy my book is:
    Peace and Blessings, and InshaAllah I will hear from you soon.

  9. I would like to make a sci-fi anthology based on how the Hajj works in the distant future. Initially I wanted to tell a story a based around a basic facet of Islam (something even non-Muslims like me would be aware of) and I thought it would be interesting to take the Hajj and adjust the scale, making it a sort of space voyage to Mecca taken by Muslims all over the universe, from there I got the outrageously superior idea of making it an anthology, so a variety of stories could be told by ACTUAL Muslim sci-fi writers. Tell me, if this is conceptually sound, who should I contact further?

  10. Where were the winners to the Islamicate Science Fiction Short Story Competition announced? I participated yet haven’t been able to find any information regarding that anywhere. Please answer.

    1. There has been a delay, I have posted the reasons and the new date in a new post on this site.

  11. Salaam Brother.
    Please assist me in updating the interview with Naji Abdullaah Perry, (aka) Lonnie Perry. Haqq Comic book, Jinn Hunters and etc. As I am closer to the release of my full website and media products, I have closed the site. is the current site for the release of the books and animation.
    Please remove and replace it with Haqq for the readers to connect with me.
    You can contact me: and or you have my personal email address from back in 2011. Also you can contact me on Twitter, Facebook, and
    Thank you once again and look forward to hearing from you.
    PS. Love the stories you post on Twitter and Facebook.
    Peace. Naji Abdullaah Perry

  12. As salaam aleikum, brother.

    I literally just found out about Islamicates and the publishing of its first volume, and absolutely have got a crush on it. But after reading.the preface and the first five stories, I was left totally wicked by the whole idea. I’m so, so, so, sooooo interested in taking part of this in any sort of way, promoting artistic creativity through faith is something I decided to take as a lifelong goal just at the very same moment I converted to Islam.

    I haven’t written much though, I’m still young and am quite sure there are millions of things I have yet to learn about literary writing and promotion. Nonetheless, I reiterate how much I’d love to take part of either the Islam and Science Fiction project or the Islamicates series (or both of them, if possible), so, what is it necessary to get involved?

    Peace and blessings be upon all of you, and thank you for opening a platform for Islam and modern writing.

  13. Mr. Ahmad,

    Thank you for the Islamicate Short Story Contest of last year. The story I was writing kept growing, so I decided not to enter it. It’s now a nearly complete steampunk novella, set in Hindustan during the Mughal era. It’s very likely the first in a series.

    On my steampunk blog, I talk about it in the context of culture and politics.

  14. Hello Ahmad

    I am looking for Muslim science fiction that has Sharia Law in it.
    I find it interesting to incorporate science fiction futures with Sharia Law.

  15. I am director of The Cockpit Theatre in London.
    I am very interested in the subjects reflected in your website. I would be interested to attend any theatre/conference/events people are working on.
    All the best. And thanks for the site. Dave Wybrow

  16. Dear Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad,
    Good Morning,
    I have come across your website on Islam and Science Fiction.
    As I am writing an article on Science Fiction Writings in Punjabi, if you can provide any input about Science Fiction Works in Punjabi in Pakistan or elsewhere, it will be highly appreciated.
    Looking forward to a favorable response,

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