I will be at the (virtual)) North American Science
Category: Academic Literature
Bridging Cultural Divides through Fantasy/Science‐Fiction Role‐Playing Games
Amina Inloes has published a fantastic article on Professor
Science Fiction and the Civic Imagination
The transcript of the panel on Science Fiction and the
Utopias and Dystopias from the Muslim World
Last weekend, I remotely gave a talk at the Mecahdemica
At Mechademia Conference on Asian Popular Cultures
I will be presenting a paper on Utopias and
Islam and Sci-Fi Interview of Dr. Ayed Kawthar (English)
As promised, here is the English translation of our
Islam and Sci-Fi Interview of Dr. Ayed Kawthar (French)
Ayed Kawthar is a Tunisian academic whose area of
Master’s Thesis on Alif the Unseen and Ajwan
Image: Still from the upcoming Ajwan TV series from
Science Fiction in Urdu!
Great news for lovers of Urdu Literature, Khurshid Iqbal,
Islam and Sci-Fi interview of Ada Barbaro
Bio: Ada Barbaro earned her Phd in Geopolitic and