Wiscon 37: Contemporary Fantasy and Science Fiction from the Muslim World

6May - by Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad - 3 - In SF by Muslims


After the highly successful panel in 2012, we will be doing another panel related to Muslims and Science Fiction this year at WisCon 37 in Madison. See you folks there!

A lot has happened since One Thousand and One Nights. Come and hear panelists discuss contemporary fantasy and science fiction from the Muslim world! We’ll talk about works by Muslim authors from different countries, both those available in English and those still awaiting translation. We welcome audience participation, so come with questions; we’ll bring our reading experience and boundless enthusiasm. A dystopian Cairo, a water planet and a magic library await you!

Location:    Concourse  Hotel, Capitol A Room
Schedule:    May 26, 2013 Sun, 2:30-3:45 pm
Panelists:   Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad, Amal El-Mohtar, Anwesha Maity, Sofia Samatar
Hashtag:    #MuslimFSF

3 thoughts on “Wiscon 37: Contemporary Fantasy and Science Fiction from the Muslim World”

  1. wa’alaikum’as’salam. Yes we are planning to submit a panel next year also. You should join the panel if possible.

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