Rani Banjarian, an undergrad student from Vanderbilt University, has
Category: English SF
Islam and Sci-Fi interview with Usman Malik
Usman T. Malik is a personal friend who is
Islam and Sci-Fi interview of Ken Kalfus
Ken Kalfus is an American author an journalist who
Book Launch: Haris A. Durrani presents Technologies of the Self with Sahar Ullah
Book Launch: Haris A. Durrani presents Technologies of the
Luke Skywalker, Jihadi Knight
With Star Wars back in the news, there are
Writing Muslim American Fantasy: Saladin Ahmed
Here is a video of Saladin Ahmed giving a
New Contributor at Islam and Science Fiction
Islam and Science Fiction would like to welcome a
Bystander by Alan Foster
Here is Arabic translation of the short story Bystander
Mohsin Hamid on Global Sci-Fi
(Image Source: The Guardian) Priyanka Joseph interviews Mohsin Hamid
Sci-Fi with Muslim Characters in the Journal of Religion and Popular Culture
The current issue (Volume 26, Number 1, Spring 2014)