Ahmed A. Khan
Ahmed A. Khan is a Canadian science fiction writer who has published numerous stories in the science fiction genre. He has also edited two anthologies: “Fall and Rise“, a post-apocalyptic Science Fiction anthology and also “Science Fiction Waxes Philosophical”, a collection of Science Fiction stories with philosophical underpinnings. He also maintain a blog at http://ahmedakhan.blogspot.com Here is a sampling of Ahmed Khan’s work.
- Elevator Episodes in Seven Genres in Interzone 211.
- Mirror, Mirror – Published in “GateWay S-F”
- The Atavism Device – Published in “GateWay S-F”, translated and reprinted in “Nova Galactica”
- The Curse of the Science Fiction Writer Published in “Open Space” anthology of Canadian SF
- The Pulsar and the Planet
A more extensive list is available at: http://www.angelfire.com/zine2/fictiononline/myworks.html